Butterfly Power’s mission is to quantum leap humanity into a golden age of prosperity through our comprehensive suite of tools that support human sovereignty, resilience and a more regenerative world.
Butterfly Power is an hybrid micro-grid & energy storage integration company. We create Super-systems integrating solar, wind, water, waste technologies and electric vehicles into energy positive grids operating in harmony with Mother Earth.
Our solutions go beyond sustainable, encompassing regenerative, to Super Production. Integrating Super-systems in our homes, businesses, mobile communities. Super-Producing more than what is needed for ourselves, living in prosperity with abundance to share with others.
Our work is focused on scalable solutions in residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural properties. Additionally, we specialize in mobile renewable energy systems into vehicles of all types. As our homes, businesses and vehicles combined create the synergistic solutions of tomorrow, today.
We invite you to join us in this great adventure of transforming ourselves and our world into being sovereign, self-reliant and in harmony with ourselves, each other, the Earth, and Spirit.
We are the Butterfly Generation. Join us!