The EnerNet…
The EnerNet is an electrical energy network infrastructure that synthesizes power generation, energy storage, device loads harmonizing within nano-grids, micro-grids, Neighbor-Grids, Community Grids, Regional Grids & Continental Grids.
A network of energy and power that is as scalable, convenient, and connected as the Internet is for data and information.
The Enernet is to Power what the Internet is to Information & Data. It’s an infrastructure of networks. In both cases the Internet and the Enernet are built on the concept of interconnected ‘layers’ of networks.
They are not point-to-point wiring distribution systems like the initial telephone system was or like today’s one-way national power grid system. They are true networks, where the traffic (data or power) can be passively and/or actively routed.
The Internet, it is equally capable of distributing data created by large central computers as it is of collecting and redistributing data that was created by personal computers, tablets or smartphones. Similar capacity and capabilities are now ready for the sharing of power across the energy network, the Enernet.
The EnerNet functions similar to the InterNet..
The EnerNet is a fundamental shift in the fabric of the power system of our homes, business & communities.
A Core transformation to the foundation of our lives.
A Quantum Leap for Life on Earth!