
above; over; beyond… Higher Path…


an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole:

SuperSystem: is a System of Systems…

Super: meaning above, beyond, a higher path.

System: an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole:

System etymology: “the whole creation, the universe,” from Late Latin systema “an arrangement, system,” from Greek systema “organized whole, body,” from syn- “together” (see syn- ) + root of histanai “cause to stand” from PIE root *sta- “to stand”

Combining parts into a synergistic whole creates performance possibilities beyond the individual components

We design SuperSystems to create Super-Production

Super-Production simplest terms is producing more than is needed.
Technically producing just 1% more than what is required is having above, beyond what is needed. Having more than enough is abundance.  Being able use it, store it, move it, with and ability to share it its New Earth Power.

However, Super-Production is not only about producing more, its also about creating Ultra-Efficiency. Creating ever more with less.  Engaging in Ephemeralization from Buckminster Fuller, as the ability of technological advancement to do “more and more with less and less until eventually you can do everything with nothing,”

This is contemporary paradigm shift in energy & information dynamics. Shifting into a space between  the main dogmas within energy, currency and information. Dissolving the separation we create a synthesis of  power, data & money.

The space between “more than enough” & “more with less” is the DeltaΔ

Super-Production: Producing More + Ultra-Efficiency = DeltaΔ

Super-Production accesses the space between, we begin riding in the great rivers of energy currency flowing everywhere on Mother Earth

At Butterfly Power we are all about Pushing the DeltaΔΔΔ

SuperSystems are hybrid power generation & advanced energy storage systems

Super-Producing Indigenous Energy in a sacred manner is
New Earth Power

When We Work With Natures patterns…

We Gain Gain Natures Power!

Super-Production Core Aspects:

There is a core reason that  solutions to the sustainability problem are not achiving full independence is they do not address root causes. Given the principle that all problems arise from their root causes, and solutions
SuperSystem move beyond  addressing the immediately obvious symptoms with superficial solutions, to solving core problems.

1. Sacred Harvest:

To harvest energy is a sacred process that all life is honored to participate in on our earth. All of life gets energy from the primary elements sun, water, earth, spirit. When we come in listening & awareness, asking permission we can receive fully.

2. Hybrid-Generation:

A SuperSystem combines multiple generation sources combined with locally abundant into an super productive energy ecosystem. One that is conscious of and strives to be in harmony with local environment.  This requires a new way of thinking about or existing electricity, water, food, thermal and information systems. Its a bottom up & inside out transformation of the existing electrical grid, hydro and internet infrastructure into the butterfly energy system of tomorrow, today… 

Hybrid power plants combine various sources of power generation and storage to accentuate the positive aspects and address the challenges of a specific generation type.
An excellent example is Solar and wind generation. Which have complementary profiles to each other. Solar is available during the day with peak in summer months.  Wind being more available at night, during storms and also high generation in winter months.

Primary energy hybrid solutions can comprise any combination of one or more renewable generation assets with either one another and/or the integration of storage electricity or thermal. One may even find hybrids where one or more renewable generation assets are combined with conventional generation as bridge to full independence

Creating energy that’s more efficient, secure, and sustainable. Each project  SuperSystem design is unique, and the hybrid solution that works best for a specific situation will depend on many factors.

3. Hyper-Local:

The location, the land holds the ultimate power & value. The Sun, Wind, Water, Bio-Mass, life and support of Mother earth are the foundation. The SuperSystems access the indigenous energy, optimizing what is available as Super-Production. The structures create sacred spaces as an immersive new earth experience.

Accessing Indigenous Energy

Living from Environmental Income vs. Environmental Capital

An vital aspect of 3E Independence is the ability to live off environmental income rather than environmental capital.
To access the indigenous energy in a sacred way where we live, work and play . Plants convert solar energy through photosynthesis of natural law into vegetative matter.
Thus matter can transformed into Income, through destruction (Burning Primarily).  The earth ultimately has one primary source of environmental income – energy that comes from the sun.  Wood, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Coal… are Secondary Sources of Energy.

A Dark Energy which is Environmental Capital.
Our Current Energy system is driven by destruction of environmental capital. A limited resource that we are are no longer honoring and outstripping natures ability to support…
However by restructuring our energy system to be be driven by Income, produced locally from indigenous energy there are abundant natural resources to be harnessed directly through SuperSystem technology. Accessing the full spectrum of  thermal wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal.
These resources can be super-produced locally with low to zero pollution and in complete harmony with natural environment…

Butterfly Grid

above; over; beyond… Higher Path…

The Butterfly Grid is a quantum leap beyond the proposed “Smart” Grid of tomorrow. Much of the planned “Smart” Grid is a combination of legacy power transmission and distribution networks upgraded with automation, connectivity, centralized IT systems and adding distributed generation. Generally, transforming legacy infrastructure into a platform that will support a fully a mature Energy Cloud environment.

The Butterfly Grid acts more like a neural network of nano & micro-generation assets combined with advanced energy storage and hyper-local distribution within the EnerNet.

Hybrid power generation leverage synergies between multiple sources to create more than enough power.

With high performance energy systems sharing energy and information at fiber speed connectivity. This merges from the bttom up with grid-edge computing, and precision sensors supporting a world of energy and non-energy applications.

Generation system ownership is diverse and with many layers from home, business, community to utility grid systems. The accelerated development of Energy application and data layer seamlessly  coordinates assets at multiple levels to harmonize energy supply and demand

Acting like a Neural Grid, the power and data originate at the grid-edge.  Intelligent systems managing intersection of generation assets and distribution networks with energy producers and customers. uildings, transportation infrastructure, community systems, and distributed energy resources (DER) assets (solar, wind, microgrids, EVs, demand response programs, etc.).

The Butterfly Grid  takes the world’s largest machine—the grid—and transforms its brain, heart, gut, eyes, feeling, of course the wings…. Transforming caterpillar network assets (poles and wires) into intelligent, multi-function infrastructure that interacts with grid-based intelligence for energy and non-energy purposes.

A bottom up and inside out transformation of our energy and information systems. Creating a new world of power where we are capable of going places and doing things not possible for the Caterpillar

Super Production In The New Energy Economy

A Synthesis of Mega-Data + Mega-Tech + Mega-Energy

Within a Bottom Up & Inside to Transformation of energy, information, economic & environmental systems.

New Earth Energy market is a several multi-trillion dollar markets combining. SuperSystems sit within a deep synthesis of point within energy, economics & the environment.

Distributed Grid generation combined with  with the sensing capabilities of the sensors being deployed provides a new paradigm for data and information related to energy.
The location, the land holds the ultimate power & value. The structure create space and the assets optimize what is available. There is a Hyper-Local Geographic Advantage.

Butterfly Grid focuses core technologies of distributed generation, distributed storage, load management, associated aggregation and control networks. Butterfly Power’s core principal of providing the high-performance SuperSystems in all environments.

Graph data, generated from grid edges in a distributed hyper-local manner is, unique from cloud data.   A powerful channel is opening in the shifting of the collection of data from large centralized organizations to micro & nano layers that can really capitalize on hyper-local advantages. Eventually, the sensors and tech layer will become commoditized, but the geographic location will always holds source of power & ultimate energy and monetary value.

High Performance

Distributed Grid generation combined with  with the sensing capabilities of the sensors being deployed provides

SuperSystem Performance