Greatest Investment Opportunity of All Time!

Agrivoltaics creates synergies at the intersection of food, energy, water and soil, the the FEWS. These interdependent components that, together, are the core elements on Earth.

In these times that we collectively face a multi-crisis,  in Energy crisis, widespread drought and structural challenges in the agricultural sector, Agrivoltaics is a multifunctional solution.

We have the opportunity to leverage the synergies between sectors to unite agriculture, energy, water and soil sectors; creating independence and prosperity in our communities.

APV creates win-win outcomes across many sectors, increasing crop production, reducing water loss, improving soil health, better efficiency of solar arrays. Adopting such synergistic paths forward can help build resilient food-production, energy-generation systems and healthy ecosystems.

Section #1: Overview of Utah State Economy, land ownership, ecology/geography Agrivoltaics Opportunity

Section #2: Utah State of Farming & Ranching

Section 3: Utah Water System & Drought Conditions

Section 4: Utah Precision Irrigation + Agrivoltaic Systems Solutions

Section 5: State of the Utah Energy Grid

Section 6: Whats Possible for The Utah Energy Grid?

Section 7: Utah Energy Storage Market Opportunity for Farms & Ranches

Section 8: Utah Electric Vehicle Fleet & Charging Network Market Opportunity

Section 9:Utah Project Economics-Tax Credits, Grants & Rebates

Section 10: What’s Possible for Utah Farming & Ranching?

Download the Utah Agrivoltaic Storage + EV Micro-Grid Market Intelligence Analysis.

 Password: Butterfly Power

Agrivoltaics Stacked Functions of Solar & Regenerative Agriculture Co-Location

Agrivoltaics Market Potential

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), by 2050, solar could cover almost 10 million acres of land in the United States.

In the Sustainability paper, 13,000 square miles, or 1% of current U.S. farmland. agrivoltaics to meet 20% of U.S. electricity generation. 

 The cost of the agrivoltaic arrays would be $1.12 trillion over a 35-year project life. With projected 17 years to payback the $1.12 trillion.

Need A Plan for how to integrate Agrivoltaics + Energy Storage + Electric Vehicles Micro-Grids into a Farm or Ranch Project?

Interested in creating a Prosperity Plan for Agrivoltaics + Storage System for your Farm, Ranch or property

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